Make a Reservation
Do you want to request a Date Night, Catering Job, Demonstration? Fill in the required fields to book your customized experience….
*Inquire about our Meal Prep services too!
We can’t wait to serve YOU.
Date Night Request Form
Requestor/ Customer Name:
Requestor/ Customer Phone:
Requestor/ Customer Email:
Where will your date night be located? Please include full details. (Complete address is highly recommended)
Address details:
-Our mission is to provide you & your guests with a phenomenal date night experience. Your personal safety and health are our TOP priority. Please include all known food allergies and or preferences below.
Please check (x) for all that apply.
Peanut Allergy ( )
Gluten Allergy ( )
Dairy Allergy ( )
Soy Allergy ( )
Please let us know if you have a “preference” for your date night meal. If you would like us to minimize your meal
( take things away) we can accommodate you but, it must be outlined in your date night form.
-All Date Night Packages include. Date Night set up, linens, candles, fresh bouquet of flowers, 2 or 3 course meal ( based on menu), Private chef service for 2 hours, 1 bottle of wine, clean up & prep.
Please be advised we are only offering one of the following for wine selections. Choose one!
Please place an (X) in the box for your selection.
Red Wines ( Sauvignon Blanc etc)
( )
White Wines ( Chardonnay etc) (
Prosecco ( )
*All customer request forms are due (3) days prior to your scheduled date night.
*Full payment is required upon arrival of date night experience. -Initial (non- refundable) deposits are due upon booking.
* All deposits are NON refundable in the event your booking is canceled upon your request.
*Deposit 15% of date night
( package of choice)
Payments can be made via one of the following
Cashapp: Lifestylesessions
PayPal: Lifestylesessions
Cash accepted ( not preferred)
*No booking will be confirmed without deposit and or completed form. We strive to give the best customer experience so your participation is required.
Email us @:
Follow us@:life.stylesessions
Follow us @: Lifestylesessions
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We can't wait to serve you!