Our Story
Hi & Welcome to our page. I am the owner and operator of Lifestylesessions (Philly) LLC. My name is Jasmine affectionally know as “Jaz”. I started this business to bring awareness to healthy living. As a juvenile diabetic for years I struggled with my weight, and my identity as a young woman. For many years my unhealthy habits caused many issues with my health, Loss of pregnancies, infertility, high blood pressure, and social and emotional disparities because, lack of knowledge. At around the age of 28 I wanted to make a change but I didn’t know where to start! I wanted to start loving me more, doing more and creating a positive environment for my growing daughter. I wanted her to have a mother she could be proud of… I wanted her to look up to me because I was committed to my journey of becoming my “greatest self”. I tried every diet on the market, I would loose weight then gain it back once I would stop that specific program. NOTHING was working for me!
I later realized….
it wasn’t working because I was not doing the WORK.. I expected a juice, a tea, or a particular diet to do it for me.
Fast forward 4 years, I am 75lbs down because I figure out the recipe and, that was “ SelfLove”. I no longer needed validation. I figured out I could literally do anything I put my mind, body, and soul into.
I started small, with minimal resources and not a lot of money i started making one small change per day to my healthy active “lifestyle”.
I would always wake up before my family. Prepare a healthy breakfast or meals for the day. I would meal prep my foods. I would work out for 30 minutes before work. I did this regularly for 1 year. I started enjoying working out, it made me feel good!! I loved seeing my clothes fitting differently, I loved how I felt about myself. I loved having something to be committed to. The “transition” from an unhealthy lifestyle into a healthy one allowed me to heal. I wanted other people to feel like I did too!
So…… I did a thing & started to blog my experiences. I started cooking really really well. I started sharing recipes. Everyone loved them, they loved my journey they wanted to join me. I was happy because I was helping so many people overcome their fears of living in their truth and loving their progress. I knew it would get greater later.
So here we are, striving and being committed to bringing health & wellness to the masses. ( Mind, Body, Soul)
I believe in living and learning everyday. I believe in making food fun. Food is medicine ( that’s what I believe) I’ve learned to let food heal me instead of killing me softly….
let’s do it together.
At Lifestylesessions we promote healthy eating, positivity and living & loving on a budget. As a mother it’s important for me to promote self love, positivity and inspiration. I am using my platform to inspire and influence others to join me along for the journey!
Here at Lifestylesessions you will get healthy recipes, budgeting tips, access to fun family friendly meal ideas. My “30 minute meals” Lots of laughs with my silly family and much more...
In the meantime…
Don’t forget to check out our new “Date Night” packages. Bringing the true essence of love, light, good food right to your own doorsteps! There is no greater feeling than knowing I am teaching others to love others, while loving themselves and the things that make you GRAND.
Lifestylesessions to sum it all up was derived from hardships, sadness, happiness and my passion for GOOD FOOD.
Thank you for taking this journey with US.
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leave us a message, Join the Lifestylesessions family drop your email. I’d love to hear from YOU!